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legal science and legal systems: “THE CHALLENGE OF INTERLEGALITY”. SANT’ANNA school prin (italian research projects of national relevance) call winning project presented in florence KICK OFF MEETING on june 10, 2019

Publication date: 23.05.2019
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The project titled "The Challenge of Interlegality" developed by Sant’Anna School professors Gianluigi Palombella, Gaetana Morgante and Alberto di Martino together with scholars from the Università di Milano Bicocca, LUISS - Roma and the Università della Tuscia –Viterbo, has got a PRIN grant to describe and explain the relations among legal regimes, the interweaving of jurisdictions, the relevant legal cases, and the future prospects of law in the intra- and supra- state settings.

The project kick-off meeting will be held in Florence on June 10, 2019.

This PRIN project kick-off meeting originates from the book "The Challenge of Interlegality", edited by Gianluigi Palombella and Jan Klabbers (University of Helsinki) in May 2019. Bringing together a wide range of contributors from Jerusalem, Copenhagen, Friburg, Nice, Rotterdam, London, Milano, Budapest, Groningen and the Istituto Europeo di Fiesole – Florence, this volume published by Cambridge University Press, is the first book-length treatment to describe and explain how legal orders can be interwoven.



Cover photo: Sant’Anna School Library (archives)